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Start a business with Vemma

How can you achieve success with Vemma? Simple, you’ve just got to be consistent in what you do every day. Look at it like attempting to lose weight. The best way to have success is being consistent. Let’s say you began a completely new workout regime but then stopped it after one week. It wouldn’t mater how many hours you worked in that 7 days, as there hasn’t been sufficient time to make any progress. This theory is the thing that writer / public speaker Darren Hard calls the Compound Effect. Making little, clever and regular decisions over an extended time period. This is really crucial if you really plan to improve your Vemma Business.

So why does persistence make a difference to you as a Brand Partner? In the field of marketing and advertising they have got something known as the rule of 12. In order to make a direct impact with a marketing plan, individuals as a rule have to be introduced to your message in the region of 12 times (preferable in as many different locations and channels as is possible).

By way of example, let’s say you inform a contact you have about Vemma but they choose to not join up. Perhaps they just weren’t completely ready then. Or perhaps they’re watching to work out how dedicated you are before they come and join. In either case, if you decide to never mention it directly to them ever again, then it’s not so likely they’ll just randomly join. But then, if as time goes by you see ways to periodically tell them how everything is going with the company (in a non-aggressive manner) this is going to really improve the chances of the company you run doing well. Aim to communicate with at least a few people daily to talk about Vemma with. This may be so simple as posting videos on Facebook, sending somebody a text or phoning to ask them to a home event.

Read more about how Vemma works and how it can work for you.